It was once said that one could never journey across the land, that there were far too many obstacles that obscured the path of travel. The incredible beasts that lurked in the waiting forests that are forever darkened by the evil from within them, would hunt any travelers down who dare to enter their territory. Harsh landscapes and unforgiving climates ruled the untouched world, and that’s the way it had always been.
These were the ancient codes of which we lived by, for many there was no thought of ever leaving, it had been far too perfect here, and the standards at which we lived were much higher than that of our ancestors. This was due to the success within the field of technologies. New ways to grow crops faster, sell merchandise and create energy had been introduced into our lives. It gave us prosperity and a growth in our economy yet it blinded us to what was happening.
Leaving was never an option, it was far too dangerous and with our means of survival at an all-time low, it was impossible to journey outside our walls of society. Relying on everything that was given to us, we never had to work to make anything out of ourselves. Our simple mindedness was to become our defeat, our weakness that our destroyer was to take advantage of. Focusing upon the good for so long only increased our risk for our destruction. But by the time we realized it, the time to change had come and gone many moons ago.
Leaving was never a choice that we would have looked at, but abandonment we were forced into, as the only survivors.
Never had this happened in our entire history, a few set backs but never anything of this magnitude. Maybe if we hadn’t been so blinded, but that was inevitable because of our way of living. Outcasts spoke and warned us, yet we ignored them and postponed the judgment for more times of happiness. Now as we look back, that was a major flaw of ours, we pushed problems that occurred and arose within our community to the side as if they were nothing, as if they would just go away. But as we later learned they wouldn’t just go away, they came back around in time and had become stronger than any of us could have imagined. As one problem came back to reek havoc upon our society, another came and only made it worse. They piled up until there were too many to overcome, that’s when we started to decline, that’s how we were forced to fend for ourselves, which proved to be fatal for most.
With unlooked upon problems prowling around every corner, within every household, we as a whole were weak and unable to fight, to fend for ourselves. This would be our downfall, this was how we went out, like a candle in a storm, we never stood a chance, not against the invasion. We knew that they were drawing closer, but as a more sophisticated society, we always had prevailed, why was this time to be any different. This attitude that we still held onto so tight proved that we hadn’t changed, that we hadn’t learned anything from our misfortunes.
When the walls that had protected us for so many generations finally began to crumble under the strain from the brute force of the Wilders, we knew we had failed, we knew this was to be the end of us. Nothing we could have done would be able to save us from the darkness driven Wilders. They were all too powerful and with our lack of a backup defense, the wall being our only one, we couldn’t even defend ourselves. Except for hiding and hoping that they would leave with out inflicting any harm upon us.
This moment of salvation never was to come. Our land once beautiful and prosperous had been changed into a wasteland full of death and destruction caused by our own hand. What was once tamed by our own means had become wild once again.
That was then, that was how our great society fell to the wild from which it once came. This is now, and we now know what we have done wrong, and we have been given another chance to fix our mistakes. We survivors were fortunate enough to live, to continue onward. That is now what we do, we continue our lives, not as our fellow people did, but with a new outlook. To build a new open minded community has become our goal, to become one with the land and live off of it, not shun it from our existence.
We are reminded of what we had once been, as we pass the ruins of our former selves. To see the ruins in which we once lived brings back the memories, the pain that now keeps us in check with reality.