Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Tempered Taste on the Tongue
Advised Not To
“Why do you always have a baseball bat with you?”
“What happens when I need to hit that homerun to win the game, and I’m up to the plate and I don’t have a bat? What then?”
“What makes you think you’re on deck?”
“Hmm…fair point. I believe you have found a flaw in my logics. A cog seems to be missing. I’ll have to look for it. Are those M&Ms in your pocket, because if they are I would like to taste the rainbow.”
“That’s the slogan for Skittles, not M&Ms.”
“Ok well let me have some Skittles then, I only hope that they won’t melt in my hand just my mouth.”
“That’s the…*sigh* whatever, sure you ca…”
“This is my stop, I have to get off here otherwise I have to come all the way back up town to get to work, because that’s where it’s located. I advise you to do the same.”
“Jack… we’re going to the same place…and we want the next stop, not this one.”
“Sir you’re beginning to ruffle my feathers and I don’t appreciate that. Now if you excuse me I’m going to be late for work.”
“…yep alright. See you at home Jack.
“Goodbye Phyllis.”
“I’ll tell you one more time, just incase you haven’t heard me the million other times, it’s Greg.”
“I…I can’t hear you... I…must be going. No change, no change, sorry, it’s going to be alright. LOS CABOS!!”
“Jack that doesn’t…mean goodbye…”