Wednesday, August 29, 2007

OUR Language

WARNING: you may not understand this unless your are one of us.

So have you noticed that we have mildly created our own lannguage? because we have, we have secret but not so secret words that we use in everyday speach that no one else understands. i really dont feel like give examples just cause and besides that would give away our secrets. but sometimes when we are having a conversation amongst ourselves but in public and you get those people that always try to listen to others conversations, well they really just dont understand us. i mean sometimes our own parents have to ask us again what we are going to do becasue they dont get it the first time with our "new" words. i just thought that it was funny that that is true for us, the Facakes, and we're not even speeking another language but at the same time it is another language.


Alex Eisenberg said...

yes. and it is a beautiful thing. :D

* said...

and secret it shall remain.

Anonymous said...

People should read this.