Friday, April 25, 2008

Music Speaks Its Words, But No One Can Hear It

BAM! and there i was... so now i am going to change pace today and write more about my accounts with stupid people and because of what today was, the Day of Silence. People just don't get it, i just really don't understand why people are so rash and stupid. They choose not to see the whole picture yet they still argue about the topic, that's like trying to write a book report on a book you haven't read, it simply just doesn't work. Do people know whats coming out of their mouths, i really doubt it. They want to fight against something that needs not fighting against. Is it really so unreasonable to give all human beings equal rights? what makes gay/lesbian and bi people so different that they don't deserve equal human rights like the rest of us, are we all really so different from them, so the like to fuck the same gender, its not like they are going to kidnap you and turn you gay or anything. And what are these people going off of, the Bible? Who is to say that the Bible is an accurate source of knowledge, let me give you a hint... NOBODY! its all a story according to like 10 different people. They even rejected chapters because they didn't like how they portrayed this so called "God", which makes you really wonder, how much of it is bullshit (my guess is the whole thing). Then why do these Bible people care so much, like i said before its not like they are going to take over the world or anything. They say its a sin to lay with the same sex, and that they shall burn in hell for it. Why do thy care so much? Why cant they just let people live their own lives and stop complicating everything?
they say "why should gay people get their own day?" well folks let me tell you, have you ever seen a guy bet bullied because he like girls? Or what about seeing a shooting of straight guys because they like girls? Let me get that for you... NO! and why is that? because it doesn't happen, ever! The Day of Silence is for gay/lesbian and bi people who feel that they need to hide their truth because it wouldn't and isn't accepted by everyone in society. Violence erupts all over the country against these people who are just trying to live their lives. I'm going to go as far as saying that its a bit Hilterish of them to do so, not accepting everyone for who they choose to be in life, how they choose to live their life. People like a 15 year old boy getting shot by his 14 year old classmate in the head twice, is why the Day of Silence is needed. Can you even believe that, a 14 year old boy shooting a 15 year old boy, let alone another person, killing them, because they are gay. What has the world come to?
Then you have the idiots protesting outside the school (Hutcherson and his crazy ass clan). What is that going to accomplish? Only more crazy ass Bible people joining his cult, that's for sure. You just wait and see, i have a feeling that this spark is going to grow into a wildfire that is going to sweep across the nation. Ill put my money on it that is may very well be what puts forward the Civil Rights Movement of today. In the '60's is was for black people, now gay/lesbian and bi people.
If i may i will quote Rev. Ken Hutcherson on what he said today to the news, "They want to have the day of silence? Be like other clubs. Do it before or after school, not messing up the classroom. For anyone to say that the Day of Silence does not interrupt the school, they're dead, blind or just plain prejudice. Get back to educating our kids." Oh yeah that's right he went there. Sorry Miss Avery, but is he mentally challenged. Do you know how many people didn't attend school because of the PROTESTING outside school today? Let me tell you, about 500 students, oh yeah 500 students didn't go to school, how is that not disrupting school and getting an education. On what planet does that make any sense?
And now that moron that runs the school who has no idea what he is doing, is going to look over today and see if they will continue to have the DOS. That is complete bullshit, he just wants to get rid of it because it causes controversy. but isn't school, especially high school supposed to prepare us for the real world so we will have knowledge and know the difference from right and wrong? he just wants to get rid of the controversy so that there wont be any problems in the school, so that there will be peace. Well let me tell you, there will never FUCKING BE PEACE in school, asshole people will always pick on the different kids. This is a problem that should be looked at not pushed under the rug, or this will continue to happen. Why do you think that kids are killing themselves? because of the assholes at school, people who put them through hell, when all they want to do is live their lives. Issues should be looked at and discussed to figure out and try to get it solved, you do this by conversing about it, which is going to lead to controversy because people take different sides. FUCK the world would be better off without dumb ass people in it, like say Randy Taylor or Amber Forgey. Dumb ass people like that are kinks in the chain that need to be fixed, but that's another topic.
Controversy is the way we are going to learn, not everybody in the world gets along and that is the picture that the moron that runs our school is trying to convince us. Well here's an update, PEOPLE ARGUE AND FIGHT, what the hell do you think that wars are because of? Life isn't going to always be perfect and if we don't know how to face the controversy then we hare in huge trouble as a society. We as students are being taught to avoid controversy and that you should question those who are incorrect, and its sad because people are doing that, and its wrong. Together we shall come together and fight, fight for what is right. Address the wrong, call them out, start a controversy.

1 comment:

Alex Eisenberg said...

i like it. until you said "Dumb ass people like that are kinks in the chain that need to be fixed." i know it seems like that because of all the stupid things they are doing, but getting rid of them: that is their mentality about gays. that was hitler's mentality about jews. i know you arent talking about a mass genocide or anything like that, but, they have ever right to live. what they dont have the right to do is deny that right to others, which they are trying to do, and in which case, we have to be the ones to implement the change in ourselves and the system, but not in them.