Wednesday, November 11, 2009


i lie sleepless in my bed. at a time when sleep should have come hours ago. my mind circling around a single thought, a single person that i wish to remember.
with slight hesitating i get up and re-awaken my computer from its own slumber. as if jealous that i cannot sleep so easily. i sit as it wipes the crust out of its eyes and i think.
motionless as a thought process begins to unravel. can i bring myself to accomplish what it is i set out to do; write about a missed one, someone who i wish to see once more? spiraling, twisting, turning, falling.
there it is. the answer. awaiting me. and i can breathe yet again. i don't miss him anymore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

still quite lovely.
especially the part about the computer. you have a way with words.