Saturday, August 30, 2008

Chapter 4

walking thought the castle style hallways. its lighted by lantern looking lights on the wall.

(singing) she's well acquainted with the touch of a velvet hand like a lizard on a window pane, the man in the crowd with the multi-colored mirrors on his hot male boots.....(end singing) you a fan of the Beatles,...a victim?

my name's...

that's just great, not important

..well i guess they're not bad. did you say something about tests?

tested, yes. why, not that a totally different question to which you haven't even come close to asking, i can see it in your eyes

...see it in my eyes. unless you have eyes in the back...

of my head? no, I'm not alien. you'll learn

whatever... you say. ill go with it at this point

given in have you? so soon, shame. now we'll have to feed you to the hungry cannibal kid in the basement

...what?!... your joking right?

that's the funny part, you'll never know

why is everything about this place so secretive?

well, if we all didn't have our dirty little secrets, where would we be? you will find out just exactly what you need to know... just... not yet.

Weasel pushes open an iron door and holds it for the victim to enter. slamming the door behind him he locks it from the outside.

good luck, let the game begin.

Weasel opens a peep hole and talks to the victim through it.

oh and remember не слушайте никого и Вас, wil находят ваш выход

wait! what did you say?

if there is one thing i hate, its repeating myself after i have just said what i mean to. told you that once before, you should have been listening. have fun!

but i don't understand what you said!

fading out due to walking away from the door, the victim is left in silence.

(singing) oh don't you know that happiness, is a warm gun. happiness is a warm gun....(end singing)

before the victim lies a hallway that leads to yet another hallway; a maze. all the walls look alike and there are no indications that can be seen anywhere to determine if he has been there before. all the walls are too high to climb, and hallways too wide to shimmy up.

are you fucking kidding me right now? its like i signed up for some sick fun house bullshit.

good evening. it is advised you watch your language, the Boss isn't one for such a foul mouth. i suggest you begin, because with each passing moment, the lights will begin to fade. good luck.

but Weasel told me that i wouldn't be needing the flashlight anymore

you shouldn't need it, but then again it might have been useful. Weasel has been known to make things for the victims a bit... harder. so there's your warning. now begin.

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