Friday, August 15, 2008

Looking Into the Darkness, I Take a Step Forward

this if for all the assholes, the lovers, the fighters, the complainers, the drama queens and mainly friends.

we grow up learning from our parents, what they teach us. the line between right and wrong. what is just and unjust. they try to mold us into perfect beings for society. but we all know that doesn't work. the teenage years hit and we begin to think for ourselves. we find things out the hard was, we go against their words. we go behind their backs to discover ourselves. but we are not alone. forging that river with us are our friends, people who we find comfort in. people we can tell anything to, no matter how ugly the secret is. we cry, we laugh, we live.

time progresses on and there may be casualties but new recruits are always coming. we grow fonder of each other and spend more time with them, living with them, sharing moments together. moments that we will never forget, for they make up our lives.

then something happens. we start to change, all of us. we listen to the shit people talk about us behind our backs from a third party and it hurts. we seek revenge. and argument breaks out and we say the friendship is over. but we know that it has grown too deep over the years, we know its not over deep down. we continue life.

we eventually learn that people lie, they cheat to get ahead in life. it hurts when that becomes part of our story. it weakens our friendships, but mainly because we let it. we let it get to our heads. we start fights and begin to avoid people because we seam to be tired of them. but deep down, we'll miss them if they leave. we shared moments together that make up our lives. that's a bond that cannot be forgotten.

this is the life of a teenager. we let things get to our head. it drives us crazy and we make decisions based on those lies and cheats, because we let them get the better of us.

so until we can grow the fuck up and leave the bullshit drama behind. I'll and others will be waiting. for you to find yourself. for sally over there to stop spreading rumors to make herself feel better. for bob to stop treating people like an asshole. for us all to stop the drama, and take control of our lives. but until then we shall wait. wait for time to tick onward. there is nothing that we can do, until that moment comes. the moment that we realize that we have all been a huge group of dipshits for ruining our friendships, our moments, our lives.

so maybe one day, when we are grown. we'll be able to see what life is about. and how these little snags in life are part of fucking life, and no matter how bad we don't want them to come, we realize that we have no choice. they will come. they strengthen us. make us wiser. prepare us for the future, no matter what it may be. but until then, the drama shall rule. and in the end, we will look back and regret it. regret it getting to us.

so i say live for today. if you trip and drop your book in the puddle, pick it up and dry it out. continue writing, the pages are never ending and the ink is forever lasting. care not about the looks from strangers, care about the words that come from the tongues of your trusted friends. fuck the drama, no one needs it. fucking get along. this bullshit that is in all of our lives isn't worth even glancing at.

1 comment:

janjan said...

hello, it's janjan. and ur right. that was pretty deep. peace out.