i hate when people don't drive the speed limit or don't use their blinkers
it drives me crazy when people ask me the same question over and over again
i'd rather drink anything from a mug than a cup
it tares me apart to be late to a movie
why can people just turn the off, is it really that hard?
i strongly dislike when people ruin a movie for me
i hate the military and the government
i have to finish a song, cant cut it short
the bark of a dog is one of the worst sounds to my ears
driving in Seattle literally makes me crazy and i cant handle it unless people calm me down
feet are one of the nastiest things known to man
i like talking to strangers but not in person
waking up in a confusing daze is the best way to wake up
hugging the wall while you sleep is the only way to go
i obsess over things and its going to kill me
foreign languages are a passion music feeds my mind and heals my body
i care what people think, its a curse and cant help it, wish i could
if i didn't care about other's feeling getting hurt, i would be an asshole
im protective about my things
my eyes water when other's do on TV
i would live in the middle of nowhere if i didn't need people
i wish i could right a novel about anything
i think about things too much
my pinky toe is worthless and doesn't even touch the ground
drama should be left on the dumb TV shows
if you want something done right, then you should always do it yourself
most people cant be trusted
snakes are the definition of evil
i could be allergic to bees but i cant be sure, Ive never been stung
sometimes i wish that i was in critical care at the hospital to see who would come
we live in the present for a reason, leave the past alone
one of the smartest things to say is "i don't know"
the world is in control by one thing and cant be taken over, money
shall is one of my favorite words to use
i often wish that i could do to another land or even time
you shouldn't hate life, just the people who fuck it up for you
i wish i could be in someone elses body for one day to see what its like
I'm not a babysitter, take care of yourself
i hate the stale heat
i hate attention whores, even if they have family/self issues
i wish i could sing well
saying no to people is one of the hardest things to do for me
running isn't going to heal the wounds, just make them deeper
i wish i could be at least as half as smart as House
i like to teach people and explain things to them
i love the feeling of summer
i would love to play the piano, or any instrument that suits my fancy, but i lack motivation
thunder storms are orgasms
the smell of fresh rain is pure bliss
the world would be in "peace" if religion didn't exist
i hate having greesy/dirty hair
i hate hugely fat people, kids are even worse
i sometimes wish i would become famous for a random reason
the idea of infinity scares me
i think the government is hidding the cure for cancer and AIDS for population control
i think it would be hot to get caught jacking off by a complete stranger
i don't find black people attractive
if you don't want to be called a name, don't act like what you are being called
i can't spell and i don't care
i want to get in a plane crash and be the only survivor
the world would be better if stupid people weren't in it
there is no point in being racist
i wish i could kiss someone in the rain in the middle of the road
i hope for a natural disaster to happen in my area to experience it
this country's school system is failing, stupid people are proof
i don't like little kids because i don't know how to talk to them
i hate when people baby their children, and baby talk is useless
I'm slightly scared to try new things
I'm scared of heights because i imagine falling to my death
i love the rush of taking off in an airplane
i sometimes wish people would push me to do things
eyes and trees are fantastic and I'm obsessed with them both
that soccer picture fucked up my placing, it was a bad picture
i say " i forgot to do it" when i really just don't want to do something
technology will be the death of all of us, and robots are fucking scary
i want to get back together with someone by giving them a song to listen to
potatoes are the best vegetable, its versatile
I'm highly attracted to songs with piano in them
celebrity magazines are the dumbest thing ever, they are just people too
i try to please people too often
the smell fresh cut grass is awesome, along with gasoline and snowmobile exhaust
the sound of silence is eerie and bliss
my eyes tear up every time i yawn
green is in me and I'm in blue
my mouth waters when i see blood
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