Tuesday, July 22, 2008

What i Know

i have plenty of dirty little secrets, the real question is do you want to hear them? i encourage you to confess the truth.
i love the taste of metal
i want to do things for my friends to be nice but then dont cause you can only get so far with nice
i find that female singers are hot
i hate writing with pencils
it bugs the hell out of me when people forget to turn their blinker off
i agologize too much
i really dont like dogs
i like to chew on things, whether they have been on the ground or not
the smell of where my grandparents live is wonderful
people dont listen to my advice or my guidence and it pisses me off cause i often know what im talking about
i think that i would be a club rat if i had the chance to go to one, cause i like the atmosphere so much, minus the drinking
i think that doing drugs and alcohol is one of the dumbest things you can do
the smell of the soap in my kitchen is really good
singing at the top of my lungs in my car alone is one of the best stress/anger reliever for me
i would do most anything for my friends at anytime that i know who would return the favor
i hate large amounts of bass
i hate mowing the lawn with a burning passion
i want to be in a ship wreck
it would be a miricle for me if i was stranded on an island or in the wild
i love winter and the snow that comes with it
i really hate soggy ceral cereal
i had to look up how to spell cereal
i always have to be doing something
space is confusing
stars shine for no one, they do it because they know nothing else
im an extremly destructive person, but have learned to somewhat control it
my shoulders are double jointed
i find myself slightly insane
i would much rather live in a world of darkness
i hate electric/computer cords
i love talking to people
i have always liked to sing
i would much rather live in either 2000 bc, 500 bc, 100 bc, 55 bc, or 600 ad
i love history with a passion
i have a great memory and do remember random things
i want to start a forest fire and get away with iti hate having chapped lips, cause the i pick at them
i like to pick scabs
i dont really like being tan
i only like tha juice of salsa
i like to argue

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