Thursday, September 4, 2008

What it Was is No More

"Me and all my friends, we're all misunderstood, they say we stand for nothing and there's no way we ever could" John Mayer

we were drawn together
from all over the map
one by one we did meet
and what meetings they were

we all became close and
our evenings became full
memories began to grow
bonds were written
upon the stony earth we
walk upon all together

by slip of mouth
a name was created
and it shall
never be forgotten

names were thrown around
within and ended up sticking
outside speculations arose
and judgement had happened

words began to escalate
into unspeakable profane hurt
and the periods of congregation
grew forever further apart

in our wake things
shall be remembered
songs and videos
late nights and sugar galore
times of adventure and surprise
talk mixed with no sleep
the conversations and games
that knew no bounds

forever shall we all remember
forever shall we converse
upon the memories of friendship
Long Live the Facakes

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