Saturday, June 28, 2008


journey with me
down a road
of unspoken mystic
travel to the edge
of the world
with your hand
in mine

cheat and lie
see what may come

a woman gets stabbed
by a mugger who wants
to only acquire enough money
to feel his children who
get above average grades
in most all of their classes
thanks to their tutor who
volunteers at their school
every Wednesday after school
in the library which is
overseen by the librarian
who spends most of her
time hidden behind a
book recommended to her
by her friend who
is an editor for
the local paper that
only had the position of nights
which was taken by her
because it was within
walking distance to
her apartment

weigh your life on a
thread and hang it from
the higher meanings
does the string break
does it fall

pure emotion
released in
the form
of an
uttered word

hands smell of death
colored by the blood
that once brought life
water does no good for
it is deeper that
what is seen

temperatures plummeting
ice caps expanding
what have you done
where were you

why can one
not understand
the meaning
of the words
that flow
from the mouths
of those
who care

all you hear
is a scratching
it grows louder
as you make
the choice
to get closer

the tears we cry
only shows how
we cannot manage
the pain that we
as humans have
to endure everyday
the torment that we
put up with during
our lives shouldn't
be the reason to end
the once acclaimed
Golden Era that we
once lived in

cold sharp pains
begining to linger
as the moments
that make up
time begin
to pass

broken body lying in a bed
staring blankly at the wall
what has become of them
shall they continue or cease to be
they can be the only ones
that have the power to choose

i turn my back
on the world and
wait for another
day a stronger day

those that have spoken
of thought their minds
drawn close to that
of the open sky

out there
can you see them
they ride forever closer
to those who notice

will you dance with me
in the wind while
the moon watches
we shall let the
grasses create such
music in the
hours of darkness


why for is it that i am so different, what factor is it that they posses that i myself don't? why must i be the minority among the majority? the factor isn't about a feeling of such happiness or liking ones self, its more of a question of why difference among the different. as we are all different with each different attributes, but why myself, can i not live through changing times unharmed while i remain up against a wall with nothing at my side?

Fill Them

i run as fast as i can
yet i get nowhere
i take a deep breath
and yet my lungs take in no air
i open my eyes as wide as they will allow
and yet all i see is darkness
i conserve beneath a mountain of blankets
but still i feel no warmth
i drink gallons of heavenly water
and yet my thirst cannot be quenched

Can You See the Black of Night

as for me
i stare at the moon
in the waking hours
of the night while
the stars above
shine like never before
as if knowing they
shall not get another
chance to give off
such a light that I'd
never been privileged
to see with the
eyes that belong to
nobody but me

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Bug on a Traffic Light

the demon of the
snake comes from
the night and
awaits the dawning sun

black nights and open sky
sees the beginning of
a new day

a gentle compliment
brings them together
to merry with one another
to create the most
majestic sights seen by
the eyes of its inhabitants
welcome sky for this
is earth

Another Day

why wait for something that wont ever come? the time wasted it produces. what is to come that needs waiting, a better day? if we sit and wait then nothing will come of it. if we want something, no matter what it may be, we must find and fight for it ourselves. make something of the time and utilize our knowledge.

Running Around

why do emotions exist? why are they present in our bodies? chemicals and hormones mix to create feelings that change us. they move us into different directions and they have no explanation.
in no other creature are emotions so strong, do no other animals commit suicide because of depression. they run, ruin and give meaning to our lives and we don't even understand them. they cant be defined or replicated for their meanings behind them linger in our minds, different with each individual. they are truly the human element. they make us us.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Morning Fog

why linger on a style
why let it drive you mad
is it wrong for life
to exist when it may
be different from the
style in which you live
choices you make may
be different but if
it were the same what
would be the point
in living as an individual

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Vengence is Nothing Without a Cause

Feel the ripples in the glass
what have they to tell
can you pull their history
from the grooves in which
they come together to create

a tear forms and falls
the emotions that it carries
with it to its grave
the path it travels to
get to its place of resting
powerful it may be
by the means it has
taken to create pure emotion
within a droplet that
embarks on its trip
through unforgiving space

people can never
understand what
and who you are
you try and explain
to them yet
they still don't understand
they will never
be able to understand
the only that has
the power to fully
understand who and
what you stand for and
what your thinking means
is the one person
it all began with,

all inner workings are not
the same, they differ
as do night and day
one cannot be compared
to another when no being
is the same, choices change
the line of life
that we live
different for each
a path that can
only be traveled once
difference is normalcy

Open Sky

remember where you travel
never forget where you step
for a journey's end
lies where it began

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Pure in All My Thought

It was once said that one could never journey across the land, that there were far too many obstacles that obscured the path of travel. The incredible beasts that lurked in the waiting forests that are forever darkened by the evil from within them, would hunt any travelers down who dare to enter their territory. Harsh landscapes and unforgiving climates ruled the untouched world, and that’s the way it had always been.
These were the ancient codes of which we lived by, for many there was no thought of ever leaving, it had been far too perfect here, and the standards at which we lived were much higher than that of our ancestors. This was due to the success within the field of technologies. New ways to grow crops faster, sell merchandise and create energy had been introduced into our lives. It gave us prosperity and a growth in our economy yet it blinded us to what was happening.
Leaving was never an option, it was far too dangerous and with our means of survival at an all-time low, it was impossible to journey outside our walls of society. Relying on everything that was given to us, we never had to work to make anything out of ourselves. Our simple mindedness was to become our defeat, our weakness that our destroyer was to take advantage of. Focusing upon the good for so long only increased our risk for our destruction. But by the time we realized it, the time to change had come and gone many moons ago.
Leaving was never a choice that we would have looked at, but abandonment we were forced into, as the only survivors.
Never had this happened in our entire history, a few set backs but never anything of this magnitude. Maybe if we hadn’t been so blinded, but that was inevitable because of our way of living. Outcasts spoke and warned us, yet we ignored them and postponed the judgment for more times of happiness. Now as we look back, that was a major flaw of ours, we pushed problems that occurred and arose within our community to the side as if they were nothing, as if they would just go away. But as we later learned they wouldn’t just go away, they came back around in time and had become stronger than any of us could have imagined. As one problem came back to reek havoc upon our society, another came and only made it worse. They piled up until there were too many to overcome, that’s when we started to decline, that’s how we were forced to fend for ourselves, which proved to be fatal for most.
With unlooked upon problems prowling around every corner, within every household, we as a whole were weak and unable to fight, to fend for ourselves. This would be our downfall, this was how we went out, like a candle in a storm, we never stood a chance, not against the invasion. We knew that they were drawing closer, but as a more sophisticated society, we always had prevailed, why was this time to be any different. This attitude that we still held onto so tight proved that we hadn’t changed, that we hadn’t learned anything from our misfortunes.
When the walls that had protected us for so many generations finally began to crumble under the strain from the brute force of the Wilders, we knew we had failed, we knew this was to be the end of us. Nothing we could have done would be able to save us from the darkness driven Wilders. They were all too powerful and with our lack of a backup defense, the wall being our only one, we couldn’t even defend ourselves. Except for hiding and hoping that they would leave with out inflicting any harm upon us.
This moment of salvation never was to come. Our land once beautiful and prosperous had been changed into a wasteland full of death and destruction caused by our own hand. What was once tamed by our own means had become wild once again.
That was then, that was how our great society fell to the wild from which it once came. This is now, and we now know what we have done wrong, and we have been given another chance to fix our mistakes. We survivors were fortunate enough to live, to continue onward. That is now what we do, we continue our lives, not as our fellow people did, but with a new outlook. To build a new open minded community has become our goal, to become one with the land and live off of it, not shun it from our existence.
We are reminded of what we had once been, as we pass the ruins of our former selves. To see the ruins in which we once lived brings back the memories, the pain that now keeps us in check with reality.