Wednesday, October 29, 2008

All Before Sunrise

the midnight moon rises
gives you light
with which you don't need

the deepening dark surrounds
gives you protection
a cover from what you fear

the far off howl marks
the beginning of all you know
the hunt is now to begin

ready your sides
regulate your breathing
for the hunt shall never end

blood shall spill and flesh slashed
they shall fall to the cold ground
leaving the night for our reign

Here We Go

good evening ladies and gentle men. i am here tonight to let you know what I'm thinking. which i guess is the point of a blog but you know how that goes. just watching TV, on this TLC channel, that if you break it down doesn't really make sense anymore cause you don't learn anything, the learning channel by the way. shows that were given to people who couldn't control when they used any means of birth control. come on people 17 fucking kids, what the fuck is the problem with you. did they think that life was going to be too easy. "hey honey lets have 15 kids so that we never have any food and we might not be able to pay the bills. i mane come on it will make life so much more of a challenge. isn't it going to be fun?" i mean what the hell is that? they like a real challenge or what? did they hope and pray that if they have enough kids they'll land a TV show to pay for everything? i just seem to be missing the point. but wait f you keep reading ill keep going. they you have parents that think that home schooling is gong to be better than sending their kids to school. now in some cases it could, could be a good thing. protecting them from gangs and death and drugs and possibility of getting pregnant, but when you live in a regular neighborhood with a safe environment, once again what the fuck? kids go to school to get a chance to experience things out in the world, saying no to drugs,or saying yes and then learning from that mistake. people learn from their or others mistakes. they learn to survive in this world. what works and what doesn't. if you take those learning experiences away from them, they will never learn. OK well maybe not never, but by the time they do learn its a bit too late and they might find themselves under a bridge somewhere. now there may not be a rule book to parenting but there are some simple spoken guidelines. follow the guidelines and you may not raise a fuck up. granted I'm not a parent and i don't have a child so i may not know what I'm talking about but... its common sense people. i have parents so... i kinda know what its about. I'm sticking to what i have said before, parents are some of the dumbest people out there. they stick to what they know, which is great for them, but when you have your first child, it doesn't work anymore. like i said or did i? you need to adapt, change things that don't work so that it will. come on people its why we are at the fucking top, we adapt. lets go people. go team human! ...fuckin' a. lets keep up the good work.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Nothing But Tears

it shouldn't be like this
never should be
love replaced with argument
compassion with hate
whats the point
fear, loneliness
what may it be
should have never even come to this
life has much more meaning
than to make arguing a daily routine
life should mean so much more
why does it never stop

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Be Ware the Gold on Your Eyes

it's time to go. doors open and the wind pours in. moon looks over the walkers of night. glowing golden like it knows nothing else. the falling leaves mask the footsteps of strangers. the trail shall hold no bounds to what is to come. the grass sways to the gentle rhythm of the wind. giving the dead of night life. the eerie trees loom overhead casting shadows upon the stone ground. movements can be seen under the glow of the moon. coming closer.

death marches onward. stops at no feat. tempted only by it wants. life cannot escape. it carries silence with it and leaves nothing but destruction in its wake. terrible and haunting. cornered by those that seek life, death has fallen upon the cornered. wrapping their decrepit fingers around their thoughts, they try to speak and cry out. only silence can be heard.

fighting for something that may never be again. parents forced to put their children to bed in times of light. lock them away. protect them. keep them safe or try to. discourage them to look upon the wreckage. curious eyes stare. the sirens will not stop. day and night. safe has lost all meaning. closed and continuously locked doors. blinds drawn past daybreak. contact was broken. nothing could be known. red trucks and white vans missing. protecting ones self to postpone the silence.

and the streets ran red with blood.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Pouring Rain

the power that we, as humans, hold. it is far too great. why are we alone with this knowledge, this learning ability? we hold power over everything it is that way from our birth, we grow up with it and we take what is ours because we could. we are the supreme being on this planet. we can withstand change. we can learn and adapt to things. we defy gravity and the reaches of man. we can go beyond our own reach and all we think about is more. we want nothing but more. its instinct. we are hardwired to want more, to gain more power more wealth. all so that we can show up the others, it shows our rank, our placement in society. and yet even though we can do this, we can take what we want and have what we want. most people never really stop and think whether we should. to take the air we breathe that which we require to live and tax it so that someone makes money off of it. the water that we drink, the very sole material that we so desperately need, isn't free. when was the world turned into a huge store for someone to make money off of? if you have enough money you can have anything you like. who is there to tell them no? not you nor i. can a balance ever be established? only once our very lives are in immediate danger will that happen. flight or fight. its in our heads. the idea of money has turned us into working zombies. you work because you have to live. how wrong is that. you now need money to live, to breathe, to drink, to eat, to love, to survive. what once was free is no more. we are slaves to work for money to do the most simple thing of all, to live.

Tell What

when daylight dies
the light within
our own eyes
seems to burn brighter
holding off
the darkness

Friday, October 17, 2008

Worlds Apart

anger within yourself. filling up inside. caused by another. all i can do is shake my head. there is no need for anger. anger leads to destruction of everything. how do you make the sightless see? how do you allow the mute to speak? how is it i am to preach to the deaf? give guidance to the one that shall not listen? lost causes are the ones worth fighting for. but for it be a lost cause you must first give up hope. not ready am i to give in. many men will be lost. much blood will be spilt. but the battle must continue in order to save the lives that mean the most to you. sacrifice many to save only some.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sudden Loss

all i can get out
if the utter
of your name
i lie waiting
all i hear is the
echo of my voice
as the blood escapes
it takes with it
my bodily warmth
i begin to fade
become nothing
but a blur

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Frost on the Grass

i lay within my bed
temporarily dead, motionless
the darkness surrounds me
acts as a blanket
not keeping me warm
but stealing it from my very body
letting in the cold
sending shivers down my spine
reawakening me

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Strangers to Fall in Love Again

collision with the edge of reason, it cuts your flesh. you lie motionless due to the shock that has now taken over your body. blood begins to seep out of the newly acquired laceration that cant be seen. faster does it begin to leak out. cold do you feel as the blood steals the warmth from your very body. an icy hand grabs at your heart from within your chest. squeezing tight, leaving you gasping for air. lungs begin to to burn in the midst of freezing. systems begin to shut down from the overwhelming critical situation as your eyes lie dormant.